Saturday, August 23, 2008


My sweet girls are just growing up! In the picture below, you will see that Abby is playing chess and watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse at the same time........only the very smart can do that! I know you are thinking "why does she have a chess piece in her mouth?" Well, that is part of her strategy!
Audrey decided she wanted to dress herself today. I admit this is hard for me. I LOVE dressing my sweet little girls in cute outfits, BUT I also know it is important for them to be able to express themselves (yes, I am a Montessori momma)! So, I let her do it. In case it is hard to tell, I will describe her outfit. She has on a pink mermaid t-shirt from our Florida vacation, pink shorts, pink striped Hannah Montana socks and pink sparkle shoes. Can you guess what her favorite color is? I also let her fix her hair so it has a variety of clips in it.Before I end, allow me to apologize for the unmade bed in the background. Not high on my list of priorities!


Caleb Seney said...

In Abby's defense....those "pawns and bishops" do look alot like "goldfish." HA!

Elisha Leigh said...

Haha, so cute! She'd be adorable in rags!
Tech lets in Sept 4th so I can!
I'll call when I get in town tomorrow.

Jen Smith said...

Hahaha!!! So cute!
That's funny Audrey has Hambone's same outfit. Moma got her that. It's that TraLaLa stuff, which is soooooooooo cute. I can't find it up here.
I thought I didn;t know how to play chess, but after seeing Abby's master moves, I think I might be naturally gifted. ;)

Ann Miller said...

you are so "mom"!!! love and miss

Lora said...

Once they start picking out their own outfits-you might as well give up-are prepare to battle EVERYDAY! Just let her pick them out-she will fit right in at Montessori!