Our girls are so different. Tonight Audrey sat on (not "at", but "on") the table for about an hour making a necklace from the jewelry kit she got for her birthday.

While Audrey sat quietly working on her necklace, Abby was singing and dancing. Below she is dancing to the song about whipping your hair back and forth.....I am old....I don't know the name or artist, but I think it may be Will Smith's kid.

It is amazing to me that they came from the same place; so different!
Also, did you notice Audrey's sweet air-brushed t-shirt? It is her new prized possession. Unicorn + rainbow + air-brushed = AWESOME!
Abby's shirt is also her current favorite. She would wear it everyday if she had her way.
Love these silly kids!
This is hilarious! I love the new header-the look on Abby's face is priceless!!!
too funny!! i know you love to whip your hair back and forth too. i bet aud's necklace will look awesome with her airbrushed t shirt!!
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