Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Here is Abby before we left the house this morning........
And here is Abby this afternoon....

Sweet Abby had her cast removed today!! She was excited, but after it came off, she was a little nervous. She kept her arm bent as if she still had a cast most of the day. I guess it will just take a while to get used to it. She said her elbow hurt a little bit and there were a few abrasions, but Dr. Blair (my new bff) said it looked great. He wants to follow up with her in 2 weeks and was kind enough to schedule her for the same day/time Audrey is scheduled to return!! We will be tight with Dr. Blair and his staff before the summer is over.
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Thursday Night
Our girls are so different. Tonight Audrey sat on (not "at", but "on") the table for about an hour making a necklace from the jewelry kit she got for her birthday.
While Audrey sat quietly working on her necklace, Abby was singing and dancing. Below she is dancing to the song about whipping your hair back and forth.....I am old....I don't know the name or artist, but I think it may be Will Smith's kid.

It is amazing to me that they came from the same place; so different!
Also, did you notice Audrey's sweet air-brushed t-shirt? It is her new prized possession. Unicorn + rainbow + air-brushed = AWESOME!
Abby's shirt is also her current favorite. She would wear it everyday if she had her way.
Love these silly kids!
It is amazing to me that they came from the same place; so different!
Also, did you notice Audrey's sweet air-brushed t-shirt? It is her new prized possession. Unicorn + rainbow + air-brushed = AWESOME!
Abby's shirt is also her current favorite. She would wear it everyday if she had her way.
Love these silly kids!
Monday, July 18, 2011
Happy Girl With a Cast
Audrey finally got her cast today!! She picked tie-dyed. It is very loud and happy! When Abby saw it, she burst into tears because "mine is not as pretty!" Poor baby.....
After I took Audrey's pictures, I decided we needed to document both girls with their casts....they are sooo silly!
Saturday, July 16, 2011
Friday Night Bath
Friday was better. Caleb stayed home and I went to work. I had a pretty productive day. When I got home, Caleb cooked supper and we ate. Then I bathed the girls (yes, it is true...they had not been bathed since Monday; DON'T JUDGE). What a difference a bath makes!! Of course, we couldn't wash Audrey's hair because the splint can't get wet and I was too lazy to figure out a way to do it. Instead we used dry shampoo that doesn't require water. It wasn't too bad. Audrey and I agree it stinks, but it made some difference. Thankfully, Audrey has beautiful, thick hair. It just doesn't get greasy nor does it look yucky. I think the short cut helps, too.
After bath time, the girls just seemed happier. Things started feeling "right" again. It was also a turning point in how I feel about Audrey's arm. I all of a sudden knew everything was going to be OKAY. She is fine!! Just a couple of broken bones, that's all.
So thankful for a Friday night bath.
I love this little family. My girls are precious and my husband is strong and steady.
Thank you, God, for your many blessings.
Thursday, July 14, 2011
And it is now Audrey's turn.........
Our sweet friends Sally and Curt kept Abby for us. Actually, Sally offered to keep the girls in the afternoons for me because my regular babysitter is on vacation this week. So, Sally got my girls Monday after VBS. I went to pick them up from her house Monday afternoon and Abby burst into tears when she saw me. She didn't want to leave!! So, they spent the night with Sally (and her kids) Monday night and Abby ended up staying Tuesday night, too since we were at the ER until about 9:30. Well, Sally called me at 6 on Wednesday morning and told me that Abby had been throwing up since about 3!! Nice!! She and Curt were so nice as to not even call us in the middle of the night. Needless to say, we owe them BIG TIME!! So blessed and thankful for sweet friends.
Yesterday was just a great day for the Seney's!! Ha!! Truthfully, we are thankful for healthy children. This too shall pass.
Will update when Audrey gets her cast. She is already thinking of what color she wants.
Never a dull moment!
Monday, July 11, 2011
Audrey's Birthday Party
The party went really well. Between cousins and friends, there were plenty of kids there!
So, the party was great and the weekend was great!! We loved having our family in town. My girls LOVE their Nanny (my sister, Ann). Can't wait to see y'all again soon. It's our turn to go to Thibodaux.....hopefully soon!
Saturday, July 9, 2011
LiLi's Birthday Party!!!!!
We had a fun little get together and cannot wait to celebrate Audrey's birthday with her party this evening.
Friday, July 8, 2011
HAPPY BIRTHDAY (yesterday)
Yesterday when Caleb took her picture, she asked for a picture of her feet. Silly kid! Her cute shoes are from her Nanny (Aunt Ann) and her painted toes are courtesy of the Hearne twins (our babysitter's daughters).
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Monday, July 4, 2011
I would really love to show you how cute Abby is in her pink cast (I know I shouldn't think that Abby is cute in a cast, but if she has to be in one at least she rocks it), but I CANNOT get pictures to upload on blogger......I have been trying since Thursday.
I would also like to share pictures of Audrey from tumble/cheer camp. She loved it and did really well. The girl has a pretty good cartwheel (she is almost as good as me!!!!). I can remember doing cartwheels and front walkovers down the aisle of Harvest Foods or was it still Safeway???? Either way, I am sorry I did that, Mom.
So, happy July 4th!! I will try with my pictures again soon. Enjoy your day!
I would also like to share pictures of Audrey from tumble/cheer camp. She loved it and did really well. The girl has a pretty good cartwheel (she is almost as good as me!!!!). I can remember doing cartwheels and front walkovers down the aisle of Harvest Foods or was it still Safeway???? Either way, I am sorry I did that, Mom.
So, happy July 4th!! I will try with my pictures again soon. Enjoy your day!
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