Monday, January 24, 2011

I'm SOOO Proud

Well, it is official. Audrey is JUST like her momma {thank goodness ;)}. These two examples will explain what I mean.

1.) Sunday Audrey had an activity to do in her Sunday School class. They were talking about Jesus being a king, why we refer to Him as a king, etc. They then got a worksheet to do. They were to write/draw what they thought about when they heard king. I'm pretty sure the teachers were looking for Jesus and/or something about Him and His life. Not my girl!! No, look at the sheet below:
Am I proud? That may not be the best word to describe it, but she is just like her momma in that food came to her mind immediately. Love that girl!!!! Not to worry, though. She gets the whole church thing. Not long ago, the girls and I were at home alone. Abby was being a little feisty and not really listening to me. All of a sudden, Audrey appeared with her Bible. She was frantically looking for the 10 Commandments. She said "Abby, you have to follow these commandments that Moses talked about. One of them is about 'honor your mother and father' and I don't think you are honoring our mom by not listening to her! HaHaHa!! That made me laugh so hard. Again, I love that girl!!

My second example is the following picture. Audrey sometimes has a hard time keeping up with her things and keeping her room clean (that she gets from her daddy). Well, Saturday Caleb told Audrey she needed to clean her room. He told her to work on one thing at a time. Put all your books up, put your shoes up, put Abby's things together. He went in a few minutes later to check on her and this is what she had just finished doing:
For those of you that know me, I HEART a list. I make one everyday!! I have done this forever. I can remember doing it in school. My dad always has a list, too. His is always written in blue ink on a yellow legal pad. Mom is notorious for her lists, too. She has a red book she carries around with her lists. She's done that for years, too. I'm so proud of her!! She already loves a list. What a smart girl!!


Lori said...

Ha! I love it! And I love that you are blogging more lately! Keep it up!

Anonymous said...

She is definitley our little girl!!!

The Tylers said...

That was such a sweet post!! Thanks for sharing.

Ann Miller said...

oh, my girls...i do love all three of you!! tell aud yall will be down here soon enough and i will have king cake waiting!

Laura said...

One word: priceless! Love it!