Speaking of silly Abby, she really is such a funny kid. She keeps me and Caleb laughing all the time. For the past year or so, she has loved to put her blankets in the freezer because she likes the silky side to be very cold. Well, this evening Caleb brought me into the kitchen and asked me to look in the refrigerator. This is what I found:

Abby said that "Roosebelle" was napping in the cool air. So silly!! Rosie was mine when I was little and I gave it to Audrey and she has passed it to Abby. Last night I told Abby his name was Roosevelt. She thought that was such a funny name. This morning she was referring to the bear as "Roosebelle". She thought she was a girl and re-named her!!
Now that you are looking in my 'fridge, do you see the peppermint mocha creamer?? OMG!! Right before Thanksgiving I started my mild addiction to Pumpkin Spice creamer. It is sooooo yummy, but seasonal. During this time, I also discovered the peppermint mocha. I overindulged from the beginning of November until the end of December. I knew they were seasonal so I thought, "oh, well, what's it going to hurt?" Well, I just discovered the peppermint mocha is now year-round. I am so torn. So happy because I have access to it 24/7, but so sad because I don't think my daily indulgence is helping in my journey to lose 10 pounds. Such a love-hate relationship!!! Well, I tried to just not buy it. For about 3 days, I drank my coffee with fat free half and half (my previous morning beverage). All I can say is GROSS. I cannot make myself like it anymore. I am spoiled to the creamer!! Beware.....do not even buy it if you have not tried it.....it is addictive as proven by my withdrawal symptoms for those 3 days.
Enjoy your week and stay away from the creamer.