Monday, September 8, 2008


Okay, I think the Seney household is just about back to normal. My sister, Ann, and her kids Emma and Jack have been with us since last week. They were running from Gustav and finally got electricity back yesterday and were able to go home. My BIL, Steve, did not leave Thibodaux, but instead chose to weather the storm. Glad to report he is just fine!!

I cannot believe this, but in all our together time, I did not take one picture! Ann did and has promised to email them to me so when she does I will share.

Even though it was a stressful time, Ann and I were able to have TWO nights out together without kids. Thank you Caleb, Poppa, Honey and LiLi!!!! What a sweet family we have!

Hope everyone is safe and sound after Gustav. Please join me in praying that Ike changes his mind. Have a nice week.


Caleb Seney said...

GUSTAV is icelandic for "impromptu house guest."

Lora said...

I hear Ike may go to Texas-Hate it for them-but we have had our share.